How Can I Give?

As COVID-19 continues to impact our community, First Baptist Church is committed to continuing forward in our mission to make disciples who influence the world by becoming daily followers of Christ.

As we all learn and adapt to new, and temporary, ways of doing life and ministry together we need to adapt to how we collectively support God’s work among us. For FBC’s ministry to continue forward at a high level we need all of our members and regular financial partners to continue their giving. You can continue your regular giving by mailing in your contribution to the church office, or by using the link above to give online.

Automatic Withdrawal

We can make an automatic withdrawal (ACH) from your checking or savings account. Just fill out the form and drop it by the office with a voided check or deposit slip. Your offering will be given automatically at the interval you set.


  • It keeps first things first.  The Bible teaches that the Lord is to get our best first and not our last or leftovers (Proverbs 3:9-10). It is easy to let our commitments be compromised by the pressure of expenses and billing cycles.
  • It's consistent.  Have you gotten to church on a Sunday morning only to realize that you’ve forgotten your checkbook at home? Have you ever fallen behind in your giving due to vacation, business, or sickness? Online giving provides a way to stay up-to-date with your commitment to give.
  • It's convenient.  Through automatic withdrawal (ACH) or online giving, you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting, and potentially strengthen our base of regular support.
  • It's paperless. No need to write checks or use giving envelopes.
  • It's flexible. Recurring Gifts allows you to align how you give with how you are paid. Giving amounts can easily be adjusted.


Through the Mail

You can mail your check to:

   First Baptist Bolivar

   119 N. Springfield Ave.

   Bolivar, MO 65613